St Annes on Sea Remembers
10th November 2013
The St Annes on Sea Remembrance Day was well attended by the local Masons, Semper Fidelis Mark was represented by, ( Left to Right) Bro David Pallister, W Bro Geoff Crosland P.G.Std B, W Bro Howard Emmett P.A.G.D.C. and Bro Ken Turner.

It was a beautiful sunny day and the Town turned up by the Pier, in order to either watch or join the long procession, all of the services were in attendance for the march to the Cenotaph. The ceremony went well and afterwards there was Tea/Coffee and biscuits to be had at the nearby Masonic Hall. The proceeds of which went into the British Legion collecting box.                                

Report and photograph courtesy of Geoff Crosland